Austral Construction
En el continente africano, “Austral Construction” (actualmente Asperbras Congo Sarlu), con sede en la ciudad de Brazzaville en la República del Congo, ha mantenido sus actividades en el país desde 2010 con el desarrollo de proyectos y construcción de infraestructura, hospitales, implantación de complejo industrial, geología y agroindustria.

Construcción de fábricas industriales de diferentes rubros entre los que se destacan la producción de materiales para construcción civill, desde tejas y ladrillos hasta bloques cerámicos y cables eléctricos, permitiendo la independencia de importación de estos productos.

Uno de los grandes proyectos que estamos desarrollando actualmente es “Eau Pour Tous” – Agua para Todos que consiste en la construcción y perforación de 4.000 pozos artesianos suministrando agua potable para más de 1,5 millones de congoleños que viven en regiones remotas del país.

El Proyecto Salud para Todos, desarrollado por CongoBrazza en la República del Congo, consiste en la creación de una red nacional formada por un Hospital Central, Centros de Salud Regionales y Unidades Móviles de Salud, equipados y adaptados para la adecuada atención de la población. Además de tratamientos, cirugías y suministros de medicamentos gratuitos, el proyecto debe capacitar a profesionales médicos y enfermeras que se dedicarán al diagnóstico y tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades como el SIDA y la malaria.

Durante los últimos 10 años, la empresa ha desarrollado proyectos privados pioneros en agroindustria, aplicados en países del continente africano. Estos proyectos se llevan a cabo a través de sistemas de integración agropecuaria, valorando la gestión sostenible, aumentando la calidad de la pastura y comida animal, la producción de carne en mataderos, la ganadería y también los productos lácteos.
Austral Construction
Austral Construction (current name of Asperbras Congo Sarlú), headquartered in the city of Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo, has maintained its activities in the country since 2010 with the development of projects and construction of infrastructure, hospitals, implementation of industrial complex, geology and agribusiness.
CongoBrazza built and delivered a complex of 16 factories in the Maloukou-Tréchot Industrial and Commercial Zone, in the Brazzaville region. The project includes the production of materials for civil construction, from tiles and bricks to ceramic blocks and electrical cables, enabling the independence of importing these products.
It is currently developing three major projects related to health, supply and basic industry. The “Eau Pour Tous” – Water for All – which aims to drill 4,000 artesian wells that will provide quality water to more than 1.5 million Congolese living in remote regions of the country.
“Santé Pour Tous” – Health for All – a project developed by CongoBrazza in the Republic of Congo, it consists in the creation of a national health network formed by a Central Hospital, Regional Health Centers and Mobile Health Units, equipped and adapted for the appropriate care of the population. In addition to free treatments, surgeries and drug supplies, the project should train medical professionals and nurses who will be dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment and prevention of diseases such as AIDS and Malaria. During 2020 two special wings for treatment of COVID-19 were constructed, one in Brazzaville Central Hospital and the other one in Point Noire Hospital.
CongoBrazza also operates in the geology and mining segment, developing practices of excellence in quality and respect for the environment, especially serving the mining, oil and gas segments. All work in the area of aero-geophysical survey is done through a fleet of Grand Caravan aircraft, with the latest equipment and led by a team of highly trained professionals, reinforcing our commitment to quality. The company takes care from mineral research to the presentation of a complete report with all the potential for prospecting for minerals.
In 2011, it started the Aerogeophysical Survey and Geological Mapping Program throughout the territory of the Republic of Congo, in Africa. The company delivered to the country a comprehensive soil mapping.
The program was designed by a team of specialist geologists, mining technicians, pilots and logistics specialists who work on the complete assessment and mapping in the mining area. In addition to high-tech aircraft and equipment, the professionals had a geochemical laboratory for data analysis.
In mineral research, CongoBrazza executes projects whose main objective is the generation of mineral assets. The activities consist of evaluating the geological potential of an area, locating mineral occurrences, defining the resources and limits of a mineral deposit.
- Mineral Prospecting
- Geological Recognition
- Rock sample collection
- Geochemical Survey
- Soil Geochemical
- Current Sediment Geochemical
- Panning Concentrate
- Terrestrial Geophysics Survey
- Survey
- GIS Development – Geographic Information System – GIS is an operating system
developed for capturing, storing, consulting and analyzing geographic data. It consists
in the compilation and centralization of all the spatial information of the project, for
the elaboration of the cartography and multitemporal analyses.
Over the past 10 years, the company has developed pioneering private projects in agribusiness, applied in countries on the African continent. These projects are carried out through crop-livestock integration systems, valuing sustainable management, increasing the quality of pastures and animal feed, meat production in slaughterhouses, dairy farming and
also dairy products.